My CV as PDF file

Updated: February 2022

Academic Employment


Postdoctoral Associate and Lecturer

TUM School of Management

Technical University of Munich

Comparable in level and duties to a non-tenure-track assistant professor


Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Centre for Business Research 

Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Project on Business-University Interaction and Knowledge Exchange


Research Fellow

Department of Economics 

University of Bologna

Project “International Trade Policies Between Openness and Protectionism: Intellectual Property Rights, Knowledge Flows and Global Value Chains”


Senior Teaching Assistant

School of Advanced International Studies

Johns Hopkins University, Bologna Campus


Research and Teaching Assistant

Faculty of Business and Economics

Ruhr University Bochum



PhD in Economics

"Essays on Innovative Activity and the Protection of Innovations"

Supervisor: Vincenzo Denicolò

University of Bologna, Italy


Visiting PhD student

Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada


MSc Economics

University of Nottingham, United Kingdom


Diplom in Business Administration and Economics

Philipps University Marburg, Germany

Research Presentations

* Scheduled


Mannheim Virtual IO Seminar - Workshop on Secrecy and Disclosure in Innovation | BEWIP Seminar Munich

Conference organization

Teaching Experience

Graduate level

Undergraduate level

Both levels

Mathematical Preliminaries (Bochum): Refresher short course on mathematics for microeconomics (lecturer), 2011 – 2013

Thesis supervision

Various undergraduate dissertations in public economics (esp. private provision of public goods) and industrial organisation; several dozen term papers in innovation economics, Bochum, 2011 – 2013

Various dissertations and project studies, Munich, 2021

Supervisor of research projects of high-school students, Young Economic Summit, 2022